June 4, 2007

CrystalVue Optics SHD-20 2x Super High Definition Telephoto Lens

This lens is made of high quality multi-coated, multi element optics, that will give you a super sharp, edge to edge image result. Its housing is made of aluminum with a sure grip design. This lens can be mounted on any digital still or video camera, that have built-in filter threads or can accept an add-on lens adapter (except the Olympus C-8080), either using the direct 37mm mounting threads, or along with the included custom designed 52-37mm step down adapter ring. Other brands of 37mm telephoto lens will always have a very small glass opening at the back of the lens, if used with a with a camera with a larger size lens, it will vignette tremendously. This CrystalVue lens is designed with a very large glass on the back, about the same size as a typical 52mm size telephoto lens, so that you can use it on cameras with small to large lenses.


  • 2x telephoto lens (37mm & 52mm mounting threads, 58mm front filter threads)
  • Custom designed 52-37mm adapter ring
  • Front snap on lens cap and rear 37mm metal screw on protective cap
  • Soft storage pouch

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